
Below is a list of websites and links to resources and information that you may find helpful.

If you are unsure where to go for help, please feel free to reach out to us and we will try to assist by signposting you to a relevant agency in the country you live.

If you are in immediate danger, please call the emergency services in your locality.

General information and online support

Chayn - Supporting survivors of abuse across borders - varied resources for support from trauma and abuse.

Life Continues After - a communal space for survivors of sexual trauma to share the words, sounds & sights that have helped them.

Resources for Black Healing - a compilation of resources for people within the Black community.

Self-care resources

Finding OK - an intersectional healing podcast for survivors of sexual assault and any/all abuse.

'Grounding' techniques - practices to help you manage flashbacks, unwanted memories and negative or challenging emotions.

Guide for lesbian and bisexual women who have been affected by sexual violence by The Lesbian and Gay Foundation.

My little book of coping methods by The Peach Diaries with Roisin Ross.

Practical tools to help yourself in a crisis from Mind UK.

Resource on the go podcast from the National Sexual Violence Resource Centre (USA) - insights on responding and preventing sexual assault from different practice experts.

Self-help guide for survivors of rape and sexual assault by The Havens sexual assault service.

Side by Side - Mind's peer-support online community.

Student's guide to radical healing

The good friend guide (English, Español, Português) - practical guide and simple advice on how to support someone in a relationship with an abusive person.

Survivor Self-Care from blue knot - empowering recovery from complex trauma.

Transgender sexual violence survivors' self-help guide to healing and understanding

Trauma is feeling unsafe - podcast about some of the things to focus on for survivors at the start of their recovery journey.

Wellbeing Plan from Inside Out.

Case study countries

For information about where to access free support in each of the case study countries, please follow the download links below:

Brazil support pack
Nigeria support pack
South Africa support pack

Please note FemIDEAS does not endorse any webpage or digital service listed here. The fast-paced nature of digital services and support means that online support options are continually growing and changing and we will try to keep these as up to date as possible.