Get Involved

Who can take part?

We will be speaking to people in the following countries at different times during the life of the project: South Africa, Nigeria, Brazil, and Argentina.

The groups of people we are reaching out to are:

  1. Employees at universities (including academic, research, administrative, facilities, or management roles).
  2. Students at universities and other higher education institutions.
  3. Activists involved in sexual and gender-based violence related campaigns in universities.
  4. University policymakers with responsibility for sexual and gender-based violence or similar

All the above groups include people who may have personal experience of sexual and gender-based violence during their time at university.

What will taking part involve?

Taking part involves an individual interview (online via Zoom, WhatsApp, or in-person). Participants can choose the time, place, and format that works best for them, and we will try to accommodate any access needs as far as possible.

The interviews will be led by an experienced woman researcher who will ask open-ended questions. There are no right or wrong answers; the goal is to hear the participants' thoughts and experiences about sexual and gender-based violence in higher education, and they are not required to answer any questions they do not wish to.

Before the interview we will discuss how it will work and ask questions to ensure it is safe for the participant to take part, and to identify any support needs. If safety or well-being concerns prevent taking part, we can arrange alternative, informal ways for the person to share their views safely.

Further details are available in the participant information sheet which will be shared before taking part. Participants will also be asked to complete the consent form before the interview takes place.

You can view and complete the consent form here.

Information about the project's ethics and data confidentiality can be found here.

How to get involved

Please get in touch if you have any questions or if you would like to talk more about what taking part will involve.

If you'd like to take part in the project, please complete this short form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please only complete this form if it is safe to do so.

Click here if you'd like to join the project mailing list to hear about news and upcoming events.

If you need general support information, please click here.

If you are in danger, please call the emergency services in your country for immediate assistance.