

About the project

This project is about Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) within Higher Education (HE) – a widespread, global problem that requires urgent attention. We aim to develop a survivor-centred theory and approach to better understand and respond to SGBV in HE by bringing together insights and experiences from survivors, activists, academics, and policy makers from four countries: South Africa, Nigeria, Brazil and Argentina. The project will have a strong focus on SGBV prevention and on bringing about culture change in HE institutions.
The project name is FemIDEAS – foregrounding the ideological principles that we are guided by- Feminist, Intersectional, Decolonisation, Equality, Abolition, Survivor-centred.
We believe there are four main gaps in our knowledge and understanding regarding SGBV in HE: 
Africa this project aims to address these existing gaps in knowledge, bringing together theories and methodologies across different disciplines.  In developing new theory and approaches, the project aims to decolonise dominant understandings of SGBV in HE. This means critically questioning the viewpoint our information about SGBV comes from in the Global North. It also involves engaging with learning from institutional practices and feminist struggles in the Global South and applying these to how we address SGBV in HE in the UK and elsewhere.  We will work with project partners in each of the 5 countries, who will support our work with local organisations and participants.

Study aims and objectives

We aim to achieve the following objectives during this study:

Research Questions

To achieve our aims and objectives, we are led by the following questions

Project Timeline


We will use a range of different tools and methods in order to gather data. The voices of people who have lived experience of SGBV will be at the centre of everything that we do. We will begin by conducting a digital mapping experience to understand the current landscape regarding SGBV in HEIs in the present moment.
This will be followed by a combination of focus groups and interviews with people at each of the fieldwork sites. The main groups of people we will be speaking to will be as follows – we know that these groups are not mutually exclusive, and that people may occupy more than one group:
We are incredibly proud to be supported and guided by a Research Advisory Group (RAG) made up of an international panel of experts from research, policy and practice. You can find out more about who is on our Advisory Group and the work that they do here. We will be featuring discussion and news pieces from the group throughout the course of this project.
In addition to the RAG, we will be setting up a Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) consisting of people with personal experience of the issues we’re talking about during the project. This group will act as consultants and advisors throughout the life of the project and will also help us to understand key local issues and support us with the development of the methods we use. If you’re interested in being a part of this group, please let us know.

Project partners

There will be at least one partner organisation in each of our fieldwork sites. Their role will be to:
More information about our project partners will be updated here as the study progresses.

About the team

This project team is made up of Dr. Adrija Dey and Dr. Jessica Wild. Adrija is the Principal Investigator, and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Westminster. Jessica is the Co-Investigator, and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Westminster. Both Adrija and Jess have at least a decade of experience conducting survivor-focused research on the topic of SGBV and have experience working in practice.

Research Advisory Group

Our esteemed international Research Advisory Group (RAG) is made up of expert academics, practitioners and policymakers will support the progress and development of this study. The group members are as follows:

Anna Bull

Institution: University of York, UK & The 1752 Group
Email address: anna.bull@york.ac.uk
Social media: 

Elisabet Le Roux

Institution: Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Email address: eleroux@sun.ac.za
institutional website: www.sun.ac.za/urdr

Diana Ojeda

Organisation/institution (if any): Universidad de los Andes
Email address: dc.ojeda@uniandes.edu.co
institutional website:

Esteban Hadjez B

Institution: Departamento de Salud Pública, Universidad de Valparaíso
Specialist research/practice/policy area(s): Collective Health, Collective Action and Social Movements. Latin American Critical Thinking and Dialectical Methodologies.

Furaha-Joy Sekai Saungweme

Organisation: Africa End Sexual Harassment Initiative (AESHI)
Email address: Saungwemenyoni@gmail.com
Social media:   

J. Anitha Menon

Institution: University of Zambia, Zambia
Email address: anithamenon316@gmail.com
Social media:

Leena Pujari

Institution: Kishinchand Chellaram (KC) College, India
Email address: leena_pujari@hotmail.com
Social media:
Institutional website: https://kccollege.edu.in

Melany Cruz

Institution: University of Leicester, UK
Email address: mc715@le.ac.uk
Social media:
Institutional website: https://le.ac.uk/people/melany-cruz

Oluwaseun Ayodeji Osowobi

Social media:
Institutional Organisation website: http://www.standtogendrape.org

Radha D’Souza

Organisation/institution (if any): Westminster Law School, University of Westminster
Social media:

Sabah Boufkhed

Institution: Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, The University of Manchester

Silvana Tapia Tapia

Institution: University of Birmingham / Universidad del Azuay / Alianza Contra las Prisiones, Ecuador.
Social media:  

Willice O. Abuya

Institution: Department of Sociology, Moi University, Kenya
Social media:   
Institutional website: http://mu.ac.ke

Survivors’ Network, UK

Organisation: Survivors’ Network, UK
Organisational website: http://www.survivorsnetwork.org.uk